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PLC BLOG | Mitsubishi | Mitsubishi FX Series INPUT Contact Instructions: Mitsubishi PLC Programming with AND, OR, ANI, LDP and LDF
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Mitsubishi FX Series INPUT Contact Instructions: Mitsubishi PLC Programming with AND, OR, ANI, LDP and LDF

Mitsubishi FX Series INPUT Contact Instructions are And, OR, ANI, LDP, LDF etc. these are input contact very useful for bit device. you can use these Input contact instruction which have only two state ON and OFF like limit switch, Push button, Proximity switch, Pull chord, relays and other switches. address of these input contact instruction is bit type. each instruction have different work but only have two state On and OFF. for example AND instruction is same as Normally open contact. you can add these input instruction as single or multiple time in series or parallel in same rung. these Input also useful for starting and stopping timer, counter, comparison and arithmetical block. you can use these input instruction with physical input device. these are very simple instruction. Following are the Mitsubishi FX Series INPUT Contact Instructions

Mitsubishi AND Instructions

Mitsubishi AND Instructions is a serial connection of Normally open (NO) contact. AND instruction used for X,Y,M,S,T,C devices. below is the example of Mitsubishi AND Instructions, in this example you have three Normally open contact in series which make And logic. we know And operation if all input is High than Output is also high otherwise output is low(0). in this example have also same thing if X000, X001 and X002 are set to High than output Y000 is also high otherwise Output is low.

Mitsubishi AND Instructions

Mitsubishi ANI Instructions

Mitsubishi ANI Instructions is a serial connection of Normally Closed (NC) contact. ANI instruction also used for X,Y,M,S,T,C devices. We know Normally closed contact allowed to flow current in normally state. when normally closed contact activated than it stop flow of current. below is the example of Mitsubishi ANI Instructions, in this example we have three Input M000, M001 and M002 these all device are connected in series.

Mitsubishi ANI Instructions

Mitsubishi OR Instructions

Mitsubishi OR Instructions is a Parallel connection of Normally open contact, OR instruction used X,Y,M,S,T,C device. below is the example of OR instruction. in this example total four normally open contact are connected parallel to each other. output y003 is high when any or all input is set to high to high otherwise output is low.X000, X001, X002 and X003 is a normally open input contact.

Mitsubishi OR Instructions

Mitsubishi ORI Instructions

Mitsubishi ORI Instructions is a parallel connection of Normally closed contact, X,Y,S,T,C device are used in this ORI instruction these instruction known as Or inverse instruction. below is the example of ORI instruction in this example three normally closed contact are connect to each other and output of this logic is Y004.

Mitsubishi ORI Instructions

Mitsubishi LDP Instructions

Mitsubishi LDP Instructions is also known as load pulse. LDP is active for one program scan after the associated device switches from OFF to ON. it used to detect rising edge of Associated device. Below is the example of Load pulse LDP, in this example Device X001 Associated with LDP instruction, at the rising edge of device X001 output Y005 is set to high and than after output is set to low. output of LDP instruction only high for a rising edge. We another example, in this example when X001 is change from OFF to ON output M4 set to high and same address we used parallel to X001.so our output is high after rising edge of X001 untill X002 is not changed.

Mitsubishi LDP Instructions

Mitsubishi LDF Instructions

Mitsubishi LDF Instructions is a load falling pulse. LDF is active for one program scan after the associated device switches from ON to OFF. it used to detect falling edge of Associated device. below is the example of Mitsubishi LDF Instructions.

Mitsubishi LDF Instructions

Mitsubishi ANP Instructions

Mitsubishi ANP Instructions is series connection of multiple LDP(Load Pulse) instruction. Associated device for ANP instruction are X,Y,M,S,T,C devices. you can use multiple Load pulse in same line. below is the example of Mitsubishi ANP Instructions, in this example X000, X001 and X002 is a input LDP Instruction. output of this example is set to high only all the input is in rising edge only. output is depend same as AND logic of these instruction. this instruction is also known as AND Pulse.

Mitsubishi ANP Instructions

Mitsubishi ANF Instructions

Mitsubishi ANF Instructions is series connection of multiple LDF(falling pulse) instruction. Associated device for ANP instruction are X,Y,M,S,T,C devices. below is the example of multiple LDF device instruction. this ANF instruction is also known as AND Falling pulse. output is high if all the output is falling edge only.

Mitsubishi ANF Instructions

Mitsubishi ORP Instructions

Mitsubishi ORP Instructions is parallel connection of multiple LDP instruction. Associated device same as LDP instruction you can use more than one LDP instruction to form a ORP. ORP is known as OR Pulse instruction. below is the example of Mitsubishi ORP Instructions. the output is high if any or all input is in rising edge.

Mitsubishi ORP Instructions

Mitsubishi ORF Instructions

Mitsubishi ORF Instructions is parallel connection of multiple LDF instruction. associated device is same as LDF instruction. ORF is known as OR falling pulse. Below is the example of Mitsubishi ORF Instructions. the output is high if any or all input is in falling edge.

Mitsubishi ORF Instructions
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