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Mitsubishi PLC Low Speed Timer and Retentive Timer in Structured Text

Structured Text is a high level programming language, it is statement based language. timer is very important instruction in automation and control system. in structured text also have timer as a function. in Mitsubishi structured text generally have low speed timer, high speed timer and retentive timer. we already discussed Timer in Mitsubishi plc Mitsubishi PLC timer introduction. in structured text you can declare timer as function after declaration of timer declare enable timer input, timer coil number and preset value of timer. in structured text The timer preset value can be specified within the range 0 to 32767. for preset value you can use constant value or you can also set value using data register. We already discussed timer in separate article.

Structured Text low speed timer

Structured Text low speed timer Counts time in increments of 100 Ms. Low speed timer function delay the output of timer. if the input bit of this timer is set to active than timer operation start and increment timer current value by (every 100ms) until current time reached to preset time. When current time equal to preset time than timer coil (TC) is set to active. Otherwise timer coil (TC) bit is zero. you can declared this timer as TIMER_M (BOOL EN,TCoil, TValue); where output of low speed timer function

Structured Text low speed timer

above is the example of timer function in Structured Text when input M1 is set to ON (active) than timer operation start until to reach timer preset value once timer preset value is equal to timer current value than timer stop. D0 and D1 store timer current value.

Structured Text Retentive timer

Structured Text Retentive timer is a timer which are hold or elapsed time when input change from true to false and again increment from elapsed time when timer start input change from false to true. Basically retentive timer store timer accumulator value when timer start input turnoff. you can declare Retentive timer asTIMER_M (BOOL EN,TCoil, TValue); where output of low speed timer function

Structured Text Retentive timer

above is the example of timer function in Structured Text