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PLC BLOG | Mitsubishi | Mitsubishi PLC Structured Text Data Type - BOOL, INT, DINT, REAL, STRING, ARRAY, STRUCT
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Mitsubishi PLC Structured Text Data Type - BOOL, INT, DINT, REAL, STRING, ARRAY, STRUCT

Data types stored or hold are used to store value in a assigned memory space. type of value is depend which type of data type is used for example Bool data type only store true or false or 0 or 1 simillarly INT data type store numerical value. Data Types Represent Values Such As numbers, real numbers, strings, and Boolean values. data type have specific memory range if the value not in the range than you got a error message always remember range of data type. When You Define Data Types To A Identifier, tag or variable, Data Type Reserved Space For Your Identifier tag or variable And Show How Values Are Interpreted To Identifier. Each Data Types Have Lower Limit And Upper Limit. If Value Above Or Below The Data Type Limit Than Value Not Stored In The Memory Space So Carefully Assign Data Type When You Make A Program. In this article we discuss Plc Standard Data Types.

Mitsubishi PLC Structured Text Data Type

Mitsubishi PLC BOOL data type

Mitsubishi PLC BOOL data type is Boolean type it store only true/false or 0/1. it represent single bit at a time. where 0 value represent false or OFF and 1 represent ON or true condition. you can use this data type in push button, limit switch, NO and NC coil, output of coil etc.

Mitsubishi PLC BOOL data type

above is the example of Mitsubishi PLC BOOL data type in this example we made simple start and stop a motor with start and stop push button. so we know push button has only two state either OFF or ON. so when start push button pressed output coil activated and motor start and when stop push button pressed motor stop. both push button connect with physical input. First three line is a data type or variable declaration Start_p_button is reperesent X0 device State and Stop_p_button represent X1 device state. main logic is M1:=(start_p_button OR M1)AND M0;

Mitsubishi PLC INT data type

Mitsubishi PLC INT data type is integer data type which are used to store numerical value. range for Int data type is -32768 to 32767. so the maximum value which integer (INT) data type is stored 32767 and minimum value to store -32768. this data type only store numerical value like 1,4,5, 790 etc. this data type is used with data register device like D0, D1 etc.

Mitsubishi PLC INT data type

above is the example of Mitsubishi PLC INT data type, in this example four data register D0 to D3 is declared Input_1 to Input_4. in this example all basic arithmetic operation perform. output of this program is store on another data register D4,D5 and D6. D4 store addition result of D0 to D3 and D5 store multiplication result of D0 and D2 and D6 store subtraction result of D0 to D3.

Mitsubishi PLC DINT data type

Mitsubishi PLC DINT data type is Double integer data type which are store more value than integer data type.DINT data type also store numerical value only like 567393, 33232,-45392 etc. range for double integer (DINT) data type is -2147483648 to 2147483647

Mitsubishi PLC DINT data type

above is the example of Mitsubishi PLC DINT data type in this example value of D10 and D16 are stored in DINT data type, Input_dint1 and input_dint2 result of double integer also store in DINT data type so Output_Dint(D19) is also DINT data type.

Mitsubishi PLC REAL data type

Mitsubishi PLC REAL data type are used to store real value like 1.34,5.663, 6.77. this data type is very useful in industrial control system. for example when we use INT data type for division if the 5 divided by 2 than we know division result is 2.5 so if the data type is integer it only store 2 and if the we use real data type than it store complete result. range for real data type is -3.402823+38 to -1.175495-38, 0.0, +1.175495-38 to+3.402823+38.

Mitsubishi PLC REAL data type

above is the example Mitsubishi PLC REAL data type in this example we have two division statement in first division we use a INT data type and second division we use real data type you see output of both division is difference. in real data type only store complete result.

Mitsubishi PLC STRING data type

string data type represent sequence of characters it store only sequence of characters. in a plc string data type is simple text processing data type. String data type store only Up to 50 characters. string data type represent only ASCII Characters. The String Must Be Enclosed In Single Quotes or Double Quotes (' 'or " ").

Mitsubishi PLC STRING data type

above is the example of Mitsubishi PLC STRING data type here we use single and double Quotes. these string is used for operation like key setting, security like password, sending character set to another plc or HMI or display message, error log etc.

Mitsubishi PLC ARRAY data type

An array is a data type that has been defined by combining multiple data of the same type. An array is a data structure that can store multiple values of the same data type under a single variable or single tag. array are useful for large amounts of data complex sets of data. format for array data type isArray name[specification number of array element]

Mitsubishi PLC ARRAY data type

above is the example of Mitsubishi PLC ARRAY data type in this array data type example name of array is motor_data,and total element is 5 so if you want to use this array data than it look like motor_data[0],motor_data[1],motor_data[2],motor_data[3],motor_data[4]. each element store different value and store all these value in a single data type.

Mitsubishi PLC STRUCT data type

Mitsubishi PLC STRUCT data type is Structured data type. A structure is a data type defined by combining the data of any types. Each element can be referred to individually by describing the element name after the variable (label) name defined for the structure type, with a period (.) placed between them. The element name is also called a member variable. format for STRUCT data type is Structure name. Structure element name. we discuss this article in separate article.

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