PLC BLOG | Connected Components Workbench Structured Text (ST) language | Micro800 Structured Text (ST) language

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Connected Components Workbench Structured Text (ST) language | Micro800 Structured Text (ST) language

Structured Text is a high-level programming language like c++, c# etc. The Structured Text Language used for making a program for complex process. Structured text language is statement and conditional based language where you define your function to run a process. Ladder language is graphical representation while structured text language is a textual based programming language. micro 800 plc used Connected Components Workbench software for developing it's logic so we use same software for making a program in Structured text for micro 800 plc.

ADD Structured Text (ST) language in your CCW project

open Connected Components Workbench and create a project, add controller configuration (you can add controller latter) create a project. if you new in connected component workbench than find link below how to make a simple program.

after creating a project. in project organizer right click on a program and add a program and selece structured text as your programming language.

ADD Structured Text (ST) language in your CCW project

create a simple program in structured text for micro 800 plc

now open the program so your structured text editor will open before making a program add some variable or you can add variable when you make a program. in below example of structured text programming language simply pass value from one tag to another tag. in second example of micro 800 plc any value converted into real value;

create a simple program in structured text for micro 800 plc

Conditional statment in structured text language

in below example we use a conditional statement like if else. for more information about conditional statement and other statement all link below the article. so in this example we make a simple program in structured text for finding a even or add value so we use a MOD instruction. Modulo Divide (MOD) Is A Arithmetic Operation That Finds The Remainder When One Value Is Divided By Another Value. so if the remainder is zero than value is even otherwise value is odd.

Conditional statment in structured text language

complex arithmetical program example in structured

Structured Text Arithmetic Operators Perform Mathematics Operation Of Non-Boolean Value, Structured Text Arithmetic Operators Follows The Standard Mathematical BODMAS (Brackets, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) Rules. structured mainly used for complex process so in this example we see. in ladder logic when we make a formula like temperature, process, production calculation so it take lot's of block but in structured text it's a very easy. Below example shows how structured text help in complex arithmetical program.

complex arithmetical program example in structured

Micro 800 Structured Text Logical Operators

Logical Operator Used For Perform Multiple Conditions Expressions. It Also Combine Multiple Relational Operators, The Result Of A Logical Operation Is A BOOL Value (True And False).In PLC Programming Structured Text , There Are Four Logical Operators: And(&) Logical Operators, OR Logical Operators, XOR Logical Operators And NOT Logical Operators. Logical Compare Element-By-Element With Logical true Or false. in structured text have following logical operator

Micro 800 Structured Text Logical Operators

above is the example of connected component workbench structured text logical operator in this example we use combination of logical and operator and logical operator. it is a example of momentary push button start and stop of motor.

Micro 800 Structured Text Relational Operators or Comparison Operators

Relational Operators in Structured Text It Perform Comparison of Two Values or Strings and Provide a Result in the Form of True or False. The Result Of A Relational Operation Is A BOOL Value. these operator are as follows

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Information about Structured text visit link below