Introduction to DELTA PLC Timer - Timer In Delta PLC
in delta plc TMR is a timer instruction as we know timer is very important part in industrial automation. Delta PLC have 100 ms timer, 10 ms timer and 1 ms timer. these timer have specific range for example if we have ES/EX/EC Series CPU (EC3-8K not include) than range for 100ms timer is T0 to T63, 10 ms timer range is T64 to T126 and 1ms timer range T127. so we total 128 timer device when you choose your timer than always use range for timer to run properly. each timer is defined by timer number and timer preset value. timer number like T0, T3 etc. and timer preset value you can declare constant value or use data register. For timer number range refer to plc manual.
Delta PLC timer TMR
TMR is is timer instruction which delayed output to turn on. range of this timer is depend on plc series, it is 100 ms timer. it is a on delay timer. in this timer, output is turned when timer reached to preset value. TMR instruction define timer number(T0, T1,.. etc.) and timer preset value. for preset value you can use constant value like K10, K100 K30 etc. or you can also used a data register like D0 and D1 etc.
above is the example of TMR instruction in this example timer number is T0 and preset value is K30 as we know when input of timer instruction is turned on than timer operation start and increment current value to reach preset value once current value reached preset value than timer coil is active and output of timer is also active(Y1)
Delta PLC 10 ms timer
10 ms timer increment current timer value by 10ms for 10 ms timer used specific range and a special relay device M1028 to turn On. If special relay M1028 is turned Off than timer increment value by 100ms if the special relay M1028 is turned on than timer increment value by 10ms so select proper range of timer device and turned special relay M1028 to use TMR instruction as 10 ms timer.
above is the example of 10 ms timer here in first line we have a M1028 as output of input second line we declared 10 ms timer T64. special realay turned on by X3.if the special relay and timer input coil X3 is turned on than timer start increment by 10ms. when current value reached to it preset value than output is set to ON because input of T64 is turned on.
Delta PLC 1 ms timer
1 ms is 1ms timer for delta plc it doesn't have special any special relay to turn on just specify proper timer range. for range of this timer refer to plc manual. this timer start increment by 1 ms. below is the example of Delta PLC 1 ms timer.
reset of delta plc timer
RST instruction used for reset timer coil. for resetting of timer declared timer number in reset instruction. below is the example of timer reset instruction when input M3 is active than reset instruction reset Timer T0.
set preset value of timer by data register in Delta plc
you can declare timer value while your program running by using a a data register. below is the program to declare timer value during timer running or timer done bit is set. in this program when timer value is changed than timer start again to reached new preset value.
a move instruction move new value to timer preset value and comparison instruction check if the timer preset value is zero or not if the timer preset value is zero than it set default value K20 to timer preset value. each change run timer from starting.