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PLC BLOG | Factorytalk View SE Data logging
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Factorytalk View SE Data logging

Data logging is the process of storing tag values over time in a database or internal file set. you can use this logged data to monitor and analyze processes,generating report track trends, and identify causes or issues.Factorytalk View SE Data logging configured to collect data at specific intervals or in real-time, depending on the needs of the system. in Factorytalk View SE data logging include process variables and tags, alarms, events, trends. This data can be used for various purposes, such as real-time monitoring, trend analysis, or predictive maintenance.A data log model defines which tags to log data for, when to log the data, and where to log the data.

FactoryTalk View Data Log Model

factorytalk view data log model are the component of factorytalk view where specify the format of the log files storegage location or you can use ODBC data set to store data in Database and you also set events or specific time to create and delete the files or records. in a single data log model can log data for up to 10,000 tags. 20 data log models run simultaneously on each FactoryTalk View SE Server.

factorytalk view data log model

How To Open FactoryTalk View Data Log Model

to open factorytalk view data log model, In FactoryTalk View Studio, in the Explorer window, open the Data Log folder.Right-click the Data Log Models icon, and then select New.

how to open factorytalk view data log model

How To Specifying The Storage Format Or Type In FactoryTalk View Data Log Model

for specifying the storage format select setup tab and specify following things in setup tab
  • 1. specify a log file name in description. it is used for information only.
  • 2. specify a log file identifier string. The log file identifier string becomes part of the file name.
  • 3. storage format are two type first is file set second is ODBC database. in this article we discuss only file set next article of factory talk we discuss odbc data set.
now here i am selecting file set as storage format. When we select File Set as the storage format and you plan to log string tags, than specify the number of characters to be logged. so i am using datalog for my blower motor application so i specify all the field as below.

how to Specifying the storage format or type in FactoryTalk view data log model

How To Set Up Log Paths In FactoryTalk View Data Log Model

so after specification of data log model next step to set the file path of your log file. , use the Paths tab to set up logging paths.in FactoryTalk view you can set two path first is primary path and second is secondary path.
  • primary path: this is a main location where your logging file is stored in your server or system. by default it set to relative to project location if want to change or you want to set your own path than select absolute path here i am selecting relative path.
  • secondary path: it's an optional path in case primary path becomes unavailable or out of disk space. Setting up a secondary or backup logging path prevents loss of data. For example, if the disk space for the primary path becomes full, data logging will switch to the secondary path, if available, until space becomes available on the primary path.
  • advanced: when you select secondary path so you can also set switch over time primary to secondary. it have alredy default setting no need to change but if your requirement you can change.

how to Set up log paths in FactoryTalk view data log model

Setting Up And Managing Data Log Files Creating New File Sets

In the Data Log Models the File Management tab use for specify when to start new files data logging and when to delete old files.
  • Start New files: in field you select when your data to be logged if If the data log model uses file sets, you can set up data logging to create new file sets as Periodically, At specified times, When a particular event occurs. Never. This means that all data will be logged to one file set
  • delete oldest file set : you can delete file sets after a specified period or once a specified number of file sets has been created. To never delete file sets, clear the check boxes under Delete Oldest Files. Data log file sets are deleted only when a new file set is created.

Setting up and managing data log files Creating new file sets

Specifying When To Log Data In Factorytalk View Data Log Model

Log Triggers tab used to specify what will trigger the data to be logged, and when or how frequently this will occur. in factory talk view have three type of data log trigger.
  • Periodically if you select periodic than your data logged at specific time interval. for example if you select 10 second than your tag log every 10 second. This is called periodic logging
  • on changeif you select on change than your data log when a tag’s value changes. This is called on-change logging
  • on-demand if you select on demand than data logged When a particular event occurs and triggers the DataLogSnapshot Command. This is called on-demand logging.

Specifying when to log data in FactoryTalk view data log model

how to select data for data logging in FactoryTalk data log model

use tag in modal tab to add tag in datalog model. The Tags in Model tab to specify which tags will be scanned for data. A data log model can contain up to 10,000 tags. browse tag and add to datalog model. all type of tag you can use for data logging.

how to select data for data logging in factorytalk data log model

Set Component Name Of Data Log Model

after all setting in data log model press ok and set the component name of datalog model. this component you can use for event, manually or automatic data logging etc.

set component name of of data log model

How To Start Data Logging In Factorytalk Datalog Model

to start data logging in factory talkview datalog model use one of these following methods
  • open command line in FactoryTalk View Studio and type DataLogOn 'nameofdatalog' without in our case command line is 'datalogon datalog_file' and press Enter.
  • In the HMI Server Properties dialog box, click the Components tab, select the Data Logging check box, and then specify a data log model
  • right click on datalog model component and click to start.
for starting datalog have some other methods you can use button to start stop datalog, you can define event etc but here i am sharing some of them. if you interested to more methods of starting datalog pleses send a mail or comment.

how to select data for data logging in factorytalk data log model

when data log start in factory talkview se datalog model automatic create file in your primary folder. and as per your configuration datalog mode start data log file.

factory talkview se datalog model file set

How To Stop Data Logging In Factorytalk Datalog Model

to stop data logging in factory talk view datalog model use one of these following methods
  • open command line in FactoryTalk View Studio and type DataLogOff 'nameofdatalog' without in our case command line is 'datalogoff datalog_file' and press Enter.
  • right click on datalog model component and click to stop.

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glaucyalns@gmail.com 2023-11-01
Hello. Please, I need to start the datalog without having a connection to the hmi. Every time I restart my server, I need the datalog to start. Thank you.