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PLC BLOG | Micro800 Timer Instructions

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Connected Components Workbench Timer In Structured Text (ST) Timer | Micro800 Structured Text (ST) language

Micro800 PLC Have timer like On Delay Timer (TON), Pulse Timer (TP) Off Delay Timer (TOF) etc. we discuss below in this article. Structured text is text and statement based programming language. in a ladder programming we directly insert a timer block on rung but in Structured text for timer required Timer instruction configuration. in configuration of timer we configure timer input and output as variable or constant value. for more information of timer visit this link : Timer

Structured Text Timer instruction configuration

timer in Structured Text have following parameter to start timer properly. these timer properties are defined as variable. Variable are local or global select any variable table than insert parameter of timer below is the example of pulse timer variable table. in Structured Text uses the following information from the timer instruction:
  • Timer : declare variable name of timer and select proper data type of your timer if you use pulse timer than select TP, for on delay timer select data type TON and for OFF delay timer select TOF.
  • Preset value: preset value specifies timer operation time. Operation of time is depend on preset value. data type is time.
  • Elapsed time : elapsed time of timer is an Accumulated value. it is an output of timer when the timer operation start once than elapsed time start increments up to timer preset value. Data type is time.
  • Timer start Input: timer operation start and stop depend on this timer start input bit. it is bool data type input.
  • Timer Output: timer output set to true or false which depends on timer type. bool data type.
  • Structured Text Timer instruction configuration

    Structured Text on delay timer(TON) in Micro 800

    on delay timer delay the output to turn on. if the timer start input (IN) is set to true than timer operation start and increment elapsed time once the elapsed time(ET) equal to preset time(PT) than output of timer(Q) is turn on and timer operation stop.

    Structured Text on delay timer(TON) in Micro 800

    above is the example of Structured Text on delay timer(TON) in Micro 800, in this example first line declaration of timer function. in a bracket we declare input of timer start and timer preset value. second line we declare timer operation time same as ladder logic. in third line declaration of elapsed time and last fourth line declaration of timer output.

    Structured Text OFF delay timer(TOF) in Micro 800

    Off Delay Timer (TOF): This Timer Instruction Used To Delay The Output to turned off After Timer Input Signal Has Been Changed From True To False. the out put of this timer turned of when timer elapsed time equal to timer preset value.

    Structured Text OFF delay timer(TOF) in Micro 800

    above is the example of Structured Text OFF delay timer(TOF) in Micro 800 if the start_timer is set to true timer output set to true and timer operation not start when start_timer change from true to false than timer operation start and timer elapsed time start increment until to reach timer preset value when timer preset value equal to timer elapsed time than timer output turned off.

    Structured Text Retentive Timer(RTO) in Micro 800

    Retentive Timer(RTO) is a timer which are hold or elapsed time when input change from true to false and again increment from elapsed time when timer start input change from false to true. Basically retentive timer store timer accumulator value when timer start input turnoff.

    Structured Text Retentive Timer(RTO) in Micro 800

    Above The Example Of Structured Text Retentive Timer(RTO) in Micro 800 When Input Bit Of Timer Is Set From False To True Than Timer Start Operation Suppose If The Accumulator Value Reached To 15second And Input Bit Of Timer Is Changed From True To False Than Timer Retain Accumulator Value. If Again Input Bit Of Timer Is Changed From False To True And Accumulator Retained 15second Than Timer Start From 15 Second And Increment Up To Preset Value. If Preset Value Is Equal To Accumulator Value Than Timer Done Bit Is Set. An Additional Bit Which Reset Bit Of Timer It Help To Reset Retentive Timer Accumulator Value.

    Structured Text Pulse Timer (TP) in Micro 800

    On a Rising Edge of Timer Input Bit, Increases an Internal Timer up To a Given Preset Value. Any Change To Timer Input Bit During Timer Operation Has No Effect In Timer Operation. If The Timer Elapsed Value Is Equal To Preset Value Than Internal Time Is Reset. If Input Bit Is Changed During The Operation Than Timer Elapsed Time Continues Increment.

    Structured Text Pulse Timer (TP) in Micro 800

    Above Is The Example Of Structured Text Pulse Timer (TP) in Micro 800, In This Example If The start_timer input Is Set To True Than Timer Operation Start,During The Operation Of Pulse Timer, Any Changes In The start_timer has No Effect In Timer Operation(Elapsed Time And Output Of Timer). Once The Timer Elapsed Time Is Equal To Timer Preset Value Than Timer Operation Stop And Timer Output Is Set To False.

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