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PLC BLOG | Mitsubishi | Mitsubishi Special Register Devices for FXCPU and use

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Mitsubishi Special Register Devices for FXCPU and use

Mitsubishi Special Register Devices are used for error identification, plc information and error, relay and data register handling etc. these register have predefined address for use, you can use these address if register in program. we know data register are used to store numerical value but special register are used for diagnostic and informational purpose. these special register also known as special or diagnostic register. for example. For example we have D8004 which are used to know error relay address, when we know the address of error relay than we rectify error on particular relay. as we know relay have two state On or Off but Data register store numerical value. Following are the special register devices for FXCPU.

Mitsubishi Special Register D8004

Mitsubishi Special Register D8004 is used to identify error relay address. this register show which error relay is set.

Mitsubishi Special Register D8004

in our example we have a division instruction when 0 is divide by 0 than it set a error in relay 8067 in our program when we monitor D8004 it show 8067 relay address and relay with address 8067 is set to high.both relay and register shows in monitor table.

Mitsubishi Special Register D8005

Mitsubishi Special Register D8005 are used for battery voltage value. D8005 store value of Battery. for example if the value Of D8005 is 45 means battery voltage is 4.5 voltage.

Mitsubishi Special Register D8005

above is the example of battery voltage, as in our program D8005 hold 36 means our battery voltage is 3.6Vdc, so you can use division instruction for real value of battery. in division instruction value of D8005 divide by 10.not work with simulation

Mitsubishi Special Register D8010

Special register D8010 shows current program cycle time of program, you can use monitor table to see value of D8010. in this register store current program cycle of controller.

Mitsubishi Special Register D8010

in above example of Mitsubishi Special Register D8010 we see D8010 store 1000 which represent 100ms program cycle of controller.

Mitsubishi Special Register D8013-d8019

register D8013 to D8019 is used for time and date of integrated real time clock. you can read and write these register to change integrated time and date.
  • D8013 : show second of integrated clock pulse
  • D8014 : show minute of integrated clock pulse
  • D8015 : show Hour of integrated clock pulse
  • D8016 : show day of integrated clock pulse
  • D8017 : show month of integrated clock pulse
  • D8018 : show year of integrated clock pulse
  • D8018 : show year of integrated clock pulse

Mitsubishi Special Register D8013-d8019

above is the example Mitsubishi Special Register D8013-d8019, in this monitor table, in this table all register have numerical value which represent date and time information.

Mitsubishi Special Register D8030 and D8031

Mitsubishi Special Register D8030 and D8031 are used to read value from potentiometer.
  • D8030 - VR1 (0-255)
  • D8031 - VR2 (0-255)
They are used only FX1s,FX1N,FX3G,FX3GE,and FX3S.

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