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PLC BLOG | RSlogix5000 Timer
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rslogix 5000 timers Instruction

Timer And Counter Instructions Play Important Role In Industrial Automation. When Any Process Start Or Stop At Particular Time So We Use Timer. For Example If We Have A Process In Which Motor Start Every 10 Second. So Timer Play A Important Role Making Of This Type Of Instruction. Counter Counts Input Bit Up Or Down. Counter Counts When Input Bit State Change true To false.
    rslogix 5000 timer are Classified as following
  • TON : Timer On Delay
  • TOF: Timer Off Delay
  • RTO: Retentive Timer On
NOTE: TON : Timer On Delay AND TOF: Timer Off Delay is non-retentive timer.

how to add timer Instructions in rslogix 5000

in rslogix 5000 you can add timer Instructions from Language Element Toolbar. The Language Element toolbar is a tabbed toolbar, which shows the instruction set available for your language. select timer/counter category and your timer and counter be simply dragging to rung

how to add timer Instructions in rslogix 5000

you can add your Instruction directly by right click on rung and select add ladder element and browse timer/counter and add timer to your rung.

how to add timer Instructions in rslogix 5000

structure of timer in rslogix 5000

When You Add You Add A Timer In Your Rung You Need To Define Operand. Operand Are Specific Data Type Name.
  • timer: name of timer block, data type timer.
  • preset: this operand defined how long timer on or off data type DINT
  • Accumulator: Accumulator: Accumulated Value Of Timer Data Type DINT
here I Am Define Timer 1 To Ton Block And Timer 2 For TOF Timer. After Defined Operand Name Next Step To Structure Of Timer.

structure of timer in rslogix 5000

  • timer.PRE: preset value of timer, data type DINT.
  • timer.ACC: Timer Accumulator Value, Data Type DINT.
  • timer.EN: The enable bit contains rung-condition-in when the instruction was last executed. data type bool.
  • timer.TT: The timing bit when set indicates the timing operation is in process. data type bool.
  • timer.DN:The done bit when set indicates the timing operation is complete (or paused).

rslogix 5000 TON : Timer On Delay

rslogix 5000 TON : Timer On Delay

Timer On Delay Timer Start When Input Bit Of Timer Is Set To True And Run Until To Reach Preset Value. Base Of Preset Value Is 1 Millisecond. If You Want To Run Your Timer For 5 Second So Preset Value Is 5000. Accumulator Value Accumulates Timer Value. When Timer Preset Value Is Equal Or Greater Than Preset Value Than Timer Stop Running And Timer Done Bit Set To True.

rslogix 5000 TOF : Timer Off Delay

rslogix 5000 TOF : Timer Off Delay

Timer Off Delay Timer Start When Input Bit Of Timer Is Set To True To False Or Rung Condition Change True To False, And Run Until To Reach Preset Value. Base Of Preset Value Is 1 Millisecond. If You Want To Run Your Timer For 5 Second So Preset Value Is 5000. Accumulator Value Accumulates Timer Value. When Timer Preset Value Is Equal Or Greater Than Preset Value Than Timer Stop Running And Timer Done Bit Set To False.

rslogix 5000 RTO : Retentive Timer On

rslogix 5000 RTO : Retentive Timer On

In Retentive Timer Accumulator Value Is Stored While Input Condition Of Timer Is Changed True To False, If Again Input Condition Is Changed From False To True Then Timer Start Form Stored Accumulator Value Until Preset Value Is Equal To Accumulator Value And Timer Done Bit Set To True. If Timer Done Bit Is Set In Retentive Timer And Input Condition Of Timer Is Changed Than No Accumulator Value Is Not Increased Until You Reset Timer By Using Reset Instruction.

how to reset timer in rslogix 5000

reset instruction used to reset timer in rslogix 5000. simple add reset instruction and define timer name which you want to reset.

how to reset timer in rslogix 5000

example of rslogix5000 timer instruction

example of rslogix5000 timer instruction

  • In First Rung Of Above Logic Timer Start When Starttime Bit Set To True.
  • In Second Rung When Timer Done Bit Is Set To True When Timer Preset Value Is Equal To Accumulator Value Than Timer1_done Bit Set To True.
  • In Third Rung Bit Set To True When Timer Enable Bit Set To True.
  • In Fourth Rung Timer Accumulator Value Stored In Timer1_accumaltor Tag.
  • In Fifth Rung If The Timer Preset Value Is Equal To Zero Than Automatically Preset Value Is Set To 10000.
  • data type for timer Accumulator value is DINT so when you move timer Accumulator value to new tag always use DINT data of your tag

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iamchaturvedi4@rediffmail.com 2023-02-17
nice article