an event is an action or occurrence that a program can detect and respond to. Events can be triggered by user interactions like clicking a button or pressing a key, system-generated actions like a timer reaching a specific interval, or other conditions in the program such as data loading or completion of a task. each events of a widget is set a action to perform particular action is occur. like if you a set an action to set bit in mouse click when mouse click on widget than your action is performed. each widget component have different types of events. in abb hmi have event like setbit, data transfer, writetag, reset bit etc. these events set and configured in panel builder. for example if you want to start a motor by pressing a button than you can set an event set bit. once the button is pressed than bit is set to tag.
type of events in abb panel builder
events are set in the property of a widget component. each widget component have at least a single events. following are the events which are used in different component according to their uses.
mouse click events : mouse click events performed an action when mouse click on a widget component.
mouse pressed events: mouse pressed events performed action when mouse pressed on a widget component.
mouse hold events: mouse hold events performed action when mouse hold on a widget component.
mouse release events: mouse released events performed action when mouse released from a widget component.
On data update events: on data update performed action when widget value is changed or updated.
mouse click, mouse pressed, mouse hold and mouse release events generally available for button, switch, knob etc. but on data update events available almost all widget component.
set bit action for a abb hmi widget component
set bit action set a bit in a tag or widget. set bit tag set a single bit either 0 or 1 (true or false). set bit action defined by above events. following are a example of set bit action for a button press. when button is clicked a 1 bit is set to tag 1.
reset bit action for abb hmi widget component
reset bit is a tag action for abb hmi widget component which reset tag to zero. these action is defined all above events list for a widget component. following are the example of reset bit tag. in this example we reset a lamp when reset button is clicked. this action only reset bit value to zero. numerical value not reset by reset bit.
data transfer action for abb hmi widget component
data transfer action perform same type data transfer. in source add source tag and destination add destination tag. same data type is allowed for data transfer. we set data transfer action on data update events, performed action when value of a widget component is changed or updated. this events is available for almost all component. you can set any action in update event like set bit, reset bit, java script to execute. action is performed only data updating. below is the example of data transfer action when numerical values is changed. we transfer numerical value data to gauge by data transfer action on data update event. when data is changed value of numerical value input transfer to gauge reading.
write tag action in abb hmi widget component
write tag action write or move a constant value to a tag. but before write check tag data type to write value. for example an bool data type not allowed to write an numerical value. we set write tag action on button click events. when button click than a constant value(456) is write to numerical input tag.
Toggle bit action in abb hmi widget component
toggle action performed toggling of a bit. below is the example of toggle action on a tag2 bit. if the tag is in true state when this action performed tag toggle to false of tag is in false than toggle to true.
StepTag action in abb hmi widget component
StepTag perform increment or decrement tag value. for increment tag value use plus sign or without sign value and for decrement use negative sign. when you declared staptag action to an event following parameter required
TagName action performed on selected tag.
Step value increment or decrement tag value when event is triggred.
Do not step over limit select true or false for step limit if true selected than value increment to step limit once step limit reached no more increment.
Step Limit limit for increment or decrement value.
above is the example of Step tag example in abb hmi. in this example we have two button one button increment value when click and second button decrement value when button clicked. value of tag is equal to tagvalue=step±step. each event triggered action is performed.